in this video we are going to learn about various parts of brain and its functions watch until the end of the video to uncover the mysteries of the human brain the human brain controls nearly every aspect of our body from physiological functions to cognitive abilities it sends and receives signals through neurons the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system an adult brain weighs between 1 kg to 1.5 kg and contains up to 100 billion neurons together with the spinal cord the brain forms the central nervous system the command center for thoughts and body [Music] movements protected by the skull the brain is cushioned by cerebros spinal fluid which acts as a buffer against mechanical shocks this fluid also provides buoyancy preventing the brain’s weight from cutting off its own blood [Music] supply the brain is divided into three major parts the for brain midbrain and hin brain each with distinct functions the for brain the largest part includes the cerebrum hypothalamus and Thalamus controlling emotions hunger and sleep the cerebrum the largest part of all vertebrate brains it is divided into four lobes parietal lobes functions includes sensory processing and memory storage frontal lobes responsible for motor function controls expressive language reasoning and learning temporal lobe responsible for processing emotions and exoccipital lobes is the visual processing center responsible for a wide range of visual functions the midbrain the smallest part includes the tectum and tegmentum which are crucial for sensory information and body movements the hin brain composed of the cerebellum madala and pawns coordinates survival processes like breathing and heartbeat the cerebellum the second largest part maintains Body Balance and coordinates volunt movements the madala oblongata controls autonomic functions such as heartbeat and digestion connecting the brain to the spinal cord the pawns regulates sleep cycles and transfers information between the cerebellum and motor [Music] cortex the thalamus relays sensory and motor information playing a key role in movement and coordination the hypothalamus located below the thalamus regulates body temperature emotions and essential hormones gray matter and white matter make up the brain with gray matter consisting of various cells and white matter composed of [Music] axons the brain’s cortex or cerebral mantle is highly convoluted increasing its surface area for complex functions [Music] the human brain a complex and fascinating organ continues to be a subject of endless exploration and Discovery that’s all for today’s fascinating Journey Through The Incredible human brain and its functions we hope this video helped you understand the amazing roles each part of the brain plays in controlling our body and mind if you found this video helpful give it a like share it with your friends and

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